In the late 70’s TV series “The Incredible Hulk,” we all watched Dr. David Banner walk a lonely walk down the road, each time things went wrong and he had to leave town again. The general sequence of events was always the same. He was a man with a good heart, who had an odd condition. He didn’t mean to turn big and green, and scare people or destroy something when he was angry or stressed - he just did. Once the damage was done, there weren’t any second chances, understanding sympathy, offers to help, or forgiveness. It was scared looks, outcry, finger pointing, and head-hunting. Thankfully for Dr. Banner, he transformed back into a normal-looking man and could just leave town unnoticed after his rages. Everyone was busy looking for the big green ugly monster as he walked away with “The Lonely Man” playing in the background. My daughter is always the same beautiful girl, with deep blue eyes, fair skin and thick curls like Goldilocks. She never turns into a big green monster. But sadly...